A Girl child donates Rs. 3160/India fights corona

Gargi, a 9 years old girl from India donates Rs. 3160, saved to buy a computer. (9 साल की बच्ची ने दान दिए 3160 रुपये, कंप्यूटर खरीदने के लिए बचाये थे पैसे) According to the girl, she wanted to buy a computer for herself. For this, she had been saving money since last last one year, decided to donate all the money she had saved, saying i can buy a computer later but the poor ones can't buy food for themselves. The girl Gargi marwad d/o mr.Atul marwad from a small town of Bundi handed over all the money she had saved to the Corona samiti saying i wanna donate this money for the poor ones. Dsp and all the people in the town appreciated the decision taken by her and thanked the girl for this. She also appealed to people stay home and stay safe. As we all know there is lock down everywhere and noone can go to work to earn money to buy themselves food. So, it's became really difficult for the poor to buy food. There ...