What is real meditation

First of all i would like to tell you what the meditation is and how people take it to be.

when we keep meditating unconsiously:-

Many times in day we keep meditating unconsiously but we are not aware of this. Lets know how it is possible:-

We are in maditated state every time when our mind is focused on only one thing or when it is not working. It means when our mind is blank and in the thoughtless state, we are in the state of meditation

To push our mind in that state, all we need to do the things which we like to do so much. It may be anything.

The simplest ways to meditate:-

It may be as simple as listening to music. Yes, it is. Because when we are listening to music or a song which we like the most and start feeling the lyrics like it is happneing in real or we are going with the words of the song, we are doing meditation. Our mind forget everything. We are lost totally. It's like we are not in this world but in a different one which doesn't exist in reality.
Both we and our mind is so focused on that one song it means it is doing only one work at a time and this consumes less energy in our body. The more no of works we do the more is consumed by our mind.

There are many other ways to meditate and meditation gives us energy. We have heard that many scientists dont sleep more than 4 hours because they are getting energy by focusing on only one work they are given(we can also say by meditating), so this is how they get proper sleep.

Using "focus on breathing to meditate" method and using this in other ways

When we are focused on breathing, some people say we are in meditation state. We can use this method in so many ways to meditate. Some ways are better than doing this. Lets know about those:-

When we start paying our attention to our breath, we do two tasks at a time. First task is thinking about focusing on breathing and second thing is to pay our attention to our breath. So, i think it's less effective than doing.

Do everything you love doing, no matter what the thing this is. It keeps us not think about a lot of things but make us focus only on one work that makes our mind or us consume less energy and in this state our mind stops thinkings sometimes but it start meditating and provide us with energy.
 Some people love playing games when they play the game and come back to their homes, they are happy and lost in the game they have plyaed. Doing a work we like to do makes us keep doing the thing more and more. In meditation we keeps doing the same. We keep not thinking about anything, our mind is blank totaly. I know doing something is not called meditation but its better than  focusing on our breath which is also a work to do.

In the next post i will try to write many more things which i have observed.

If you want to use meditation in your daily life click on this link to read the article

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